Monday, June 13, 2011

Baba Ramdev at Ramalila Ground with Ravanlila

Sad that so many people were injured at Midnight swoop by Delhi Police that fatefull day.
It is also sad that Baba Ramdev had to break his fast on 9th day yesterday without Center intervention. Is it not all the immaturity of Baba who got the biggest limelight and ego boost by Central Govt first at the airport and then at Claridges hotel, yet we went through this thamasha of his long fast and public suffering at the chaos created.
How nice it would have been if Baba had announced his fast suspendion as he had promised to the Central Ministers at Claridges Hotel, while giving hand written promise himself ( written by Acharya Balakrishn). If that was done by 6 pm or so, it could have cooled off all.

Even otherwise he should have announced by 11.30 pm letter arrival. Keeping quite and then seeking nothing less than PM should talk to him was a mockery out of sheer immaturity and shortsighted ego.

Even if he had given up the police decently at the stage, with appeal to disperse and be calm, ordinary public would have been spared, instead of injuries and chaos. I can hole only Baba Ramdev responsible for all this mess.

As his follower always, he has let down the country and his supporters.

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